Kamis, 27 September 2007

My First Design

Can I be An Engineer ?

When I was a child, I always dream to be a Scientist that always find innovative invention. Its Hard to find that way long time ago, cause take big money for school and hard work to do besides the chance that came unpredictible.
Thats my child story that hasnt be told to anybody from me. Now, I’m Agricultural Engineering Degree from Lampung University. I take six years to finish the bachelor degree and a lot of good memory to remember the struggle studying at Lampung province. Now on, with my experience living in another city made me stronger and have mind set to growing up and take any posibble chance to breakthrough my future destiny. Like now, how can I work in City that dont need agricultural engineer ? May be an Idealism ? Or else ?

How to become An Engineer or work as an engineer ? First is background degree from technical engineering faculty and must have the skill of an engineer.
It doesnt like to me in first option then maybe the second option ? Yes, its second option cause it can be study from literature.
Like Computer Aided Design (CAD), it is one of many skill an engineer worker. In computer software world has many of CAD software can be use to designing something, especially for design engineer.

This is my first drawing design using CAD. Its called “Alat Pemisah Kulit Buah Melinjo” invented by Dr. Ir. Thamrin, M.S.
The function of this device is separating the skin of melinjo from melinjo fruit, only separate not to cut skin from melinjo fruit.

This Blog is update twice a week and fill about design something using Computer Aided Design (CAD).

By Tiyo, S.T.P.

Some examples of Design in Furniture....

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